Our Success
- IU18 and IU 19 collective efforts has 10 -15 million dollars in additional funding for their members in the pipeline for the School Facilities Improvement program.
- Luzerne County school district just received the first of a two-year $400,000 grant for Mental Health needs. Governor’s initiative pilot program was available to districts within our network. The district will receive $400K again next school year.
- Luzerne County School Accomplishments:
- All PCCD allocated funds for physical and mental health safety grants were all successfully completed and awarded from our service.
- Collaboration with a township resulted in a $500,000 award of Keystone Opportunity Grant along with Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RCAP) grant 1 million in process
- Opioid Settlement disbursement of funds to educational institutions for the “prevention education” specification. ($68K annually for 18 years)
- In lieu of taxes, one-time large purchase payments from industrial partnerships through advocacy & collaboration. (Laptops $43K & Gymnasium Floor $62K)